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Great deals from 9.9% APR

Competitive HP or PCP options

Finance your car in 3 easy steps

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Choose your next car from our extensive range of premium used vehicles

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Build your personalised finance options, based on your credit score

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Personalise your quote with a quick and secure online application

Our finance is arranged through MotoNovo Finance.
Your finance should be approved within 1-2 hours (subject to approval).

Personal car finance with Norman Motors

If you are considering buying a car from Norman Motors, our friendly sales team will be happy to discuss flexible car finance packages available to help make the purchase stress free.

We are determined to get you the best possible finance for your personal circumstances, whether you’ve mastered your credit file, are just starting out or maybe just hit a few bumps in the road along the way. That’s why you won’t find one fixed rate on our finance quotes, instead, you’ll be able to tailor quotes to match your credit with APRs starting as low as 9.9%.

Just like borrowing from the bank or mortgage company, you’ll be able to get an idea of your personalised APR online, in the showroom or by calling us, based on your credit file. All you need to do is select the rating that best reflects your credit and we can start showing you the different finance options available on your next car, along with monthly payments to help you budget.

Naturally, these APRs are based on the information you provide and they are a guide to the rate you may receive. We do this to give you an idea of the finance options available to you to help you make a decision but this is not a commitment to lend. The final rates may vary depending on the lenders assessment of your personal circumstances, so these may change once they’ve taken some more information, including a credit reference check.

If you’d like to get an idea of what your monthly budget will allow you to spend, then please use the monthly budget calculator below where you’ll be able to change the term, credit profile and deposit to get an idea of what you could borrow.

Alternatively, just browse our online stock and on each vehicle page you’ll find a finance quote, based on your chosen vehicle, which will allow you to choose between HP and PCP options, deposit and length of agreement all whilst tailoring it to your credit.

At Norman Motors, we have chosen to work with MotoNovo Finance, one of the fastest growing providers of Motor Finance in the UK.

We particularly like their heritage, their values and the way they do business, which gives us confidence that our customers will receive excellent car finance and exceptional customer service.

MotoNovo Finance has been providing loans for people and businesses to buy cars for nearly 40 years. In 2006 they were acquired by FirstRand of South Africa, a global bank that has the highest level of expertise in assisting the car-buying public organise their finances. Under the trading name of WesBank, (The Wheels Bank), their parent company enjoys huge success in the South African car market, with a market leading position within the industry.

Since 2006, the company has continued to grow in the UK, and they now enjoy a reputation within the British used car industry for providing the best in terms of service, competitiveness and convenience to customers.

If you are purchasing a car from Norman Motors and would like to discuss competitive finance arrangements – just ask our sales team about MotoNovo Finance.

Why Finance Through a Dealership?

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